Date: 8/18/2019
By evp722
So I drove with my aunt and my brother to this museum near the ocean. Anyway I see my nana inside the museum through the window. As soon as we drove in and parked, a tour lady appeared. I thought in my head “Ok, we’re gonna get a tour inside the museum and then we’re gonna leave”. But of course nothing normal can happen in dreamworld, and for some reason she just starts talking to me, my aunt, and my brother while we are still sitting there in the car. I think she was talking about the ancient artifacts in the museum, but I don’t remember her words exactly. Well then she leaves us and apparently THAT was our tour. Still sitting in the car, we notice my nana walk out of the museum. She comes up to us, and for a minute she talked about how the artifacts are very ancient and sacred because they were recovered from the ocean. Then, she warns us that the tour lady is actually VERY “tough” and that we should NEVER MESS WITH HER. I looked her up online, and she had a whole website with a description of her “toughness” and “scariness” along with quotes from her. One of her quotes was like “If you come near me or my family, I will own you”, or something along those lines. Well then she starts giving my nana a tour......OF JUST THE PARKING LOT. She was actually pointing around and gesturing towards the parking spaces. I looked and thought this was a bit strange, but my nana seemed content with it. My nana returned inside the museum after her parking lot tour was done. My dad appeared randomly and the tour lady gave him a tour too (idk if it was of the parking lot). I was suddenly sitting on a bench. My aunt and brother wandered off together (and still didn’t get an actual tour). Now this is when tv show characters started appearing. (Note, the rest of my dream was like my point of view was focused on the characters almost like watching an actual show but I wasn’t actually running around following the characters). If you know the show House, MD, this will be familiar. Basically if you don’t know House is an arrogant genius doctor with a limp and a drug addiction. Well House appeared and he limped towards the museum. Of course, “tough” tour lady appeared and....started flirting with him. House, not wanting any part of this flirting, told her “I smell bad”. The tour lady looked at him and replied “I work by the ocean all day. I smell bad too.” And then they hugged All of a sudden, House decides he needs to get a treatment for his leg pain because he didn’t have his Vicodin with him (which is the pain med he is addicted to in the show). He starts running (with a limp) towards a random far away fence. The tour lady disappeared. Some other characters from the show came in: Cuddy (his supervisor) Wilson (his best friend) and Foreman (his student). They started running around the parking lot looking for him, because they somehow know the “dangerous” treatment House is going to try, and they want to stop him from taking it. House was far away enough where he could start the treatment. The “dangerous” treatment was.... crouching down beside the fence and eating mashed up strawberries. Well as House is doing his, leg pain treatment, Foreman spotted him and started charging at him at full speed, the others following. House starts limping as fast he could, but the others caught up to him. House was for some reason sitting down again, so Foreman and Wilson helped him up and swatted away the bowl of mashed up strawberries. Wilson (his best friend) started talking to him. He said this exactly “I know you think it’s worth throwing your life away, but you don’t deserve that. You are really smart. Except for now. You just did something really dumb”. They all walked (or limped) away from the fence. And that was the end of the dream.