Ferris wheel abduction

Date: 12/28/2016

By nolan_truth

I was waiting in line with a friend to get onto a Ferris wheel. I looked down at my watch. It was 10:42 PM. A group of us were standing outside of a fence surrounding the Ferris wheel, watching other people board. The sky was strangely dark and gloomy. The man running the ride spoke to us and told us that there wasn't enough time for us to ride the Ferris wheel. We all started to argue with him, but suddenly, I had the sensation that I was gradually losing weight. I jumped around a couple times and noticed that I was jumping strangely high, and falling unusually slowly. The others didn't seem to notice this. As I continued to gain a feeling of weightlessness, I had a thought to grab a nearby tree. As soon as a did this, it started to feel like I was being sucked violently upward. The others were long gone at this point. My dream segued somehow, to where I was shrinking rapidly, inside some sort of watery solution with scum on top. I saw an eye looking at me above the surface of the water and somehow knew it was the alien. The alien began hitting a floating air hockey puck across the surface of the water at me. I would try to surface and breath, but the alien would hit the puck at me again, and I would have to go underwater again. I noticed that the water was inside an air hockey table. I also noticed that I had an health bar, which would go down every time I was hit by the puck. The alien, who looked like an old, one- eyed squidward, couldn't hit me underwater, so I just stayed under and held my breath for as long as possible. Finally, I surfaced, and the alien said "You win." I was very happy. I said, "Does this mean I get to live now?" The said that I could live, but I would have to choose one of my family members to experience the same thing. I woke up after that