Car disappear

Date: 7/26/2019

By paola2511bl

sofie Ryan Connor Jaxson and I were at a house & we decided to go to Jaxson’s house so we all got in his car and he was the one driving 👀 we had to go out in exit 9 but Jaxson saw a plush toy of Elmo in the highway and he pulled over and the car disappeared. We were left in the beginning of exit 9 but there were people off the car too. A policeman came because there were like 30+ people Just on the side of the road and Jaxson brought him over and I had to talk to him Bc Jaxson was saying stupid things and I couldn’t let him say weird things Bc he didn’t have a license. Anyway for some reason I got taken to a hospital and I never saw my friends again in the dream. My phone disappeared as well and a case was made about that. I think I spent 9 years in the hospital (idk why they never tried to call my parents or why I never called them. Or why I wasn’t allowed to go find my house. It was weird. I think Bc it was a case they’ve never seen) I suddenly saw my phone on the table and grabbed it to check the time (I hadn’t seen my phone in YEARS) the counter ladies saw me (I tried for them to not see me because they would’ve taken it away) then they saw me and I acted surprised and the first thing I did was call my mom. The dream ended with me screaming “MAMA” on the phone while my mom didn’t answer and people trying to take the phone away from me