🌤 Throwing Lizards and Mother Nature torture 🌤 Dreams/nightmare Pt. 13

Date: 7/7/2021

By miisguiided

Date of dream: 06/02/19 @ 8:03 am First part I was holding a lizard of some sort. It came out of this suitcase thing I had and I picked it up and threw it and when I did, I woke myself up because my hand moved as if I made the same throwing motion. Second part of the dream I was driving my car down the old street that leads to the creek in mosswood except it was like all rocky and such and the road was caving in and falling and all that was underneath the bits of road were sand dunes no grass or dirt just sand like it’d come from the creek? And I remember driving my car until all I saw was the tires roll in front of me and I was holding a broken steering wheel and the tires were flat, I made it down the hill but not all the way to the solid street again so I turned around and shouted out “almost made it” to a group of people, then as I tried walking back up the hill there was something blinking red in the sand and I tried to grab it but the sand was too hard to walk through and then the red light turned into a red laser from a scope someone was scoping me and I thought I was fixing to get shot at cause I followed the laser beam and I couldn’t see past it so I hurried to get out of the sand dunes and broken concaving street but I couldn’t then I gasped and woke up. Third part of the dream, kept having dreams of being in a drug like state thinking it was my medicine making me unable to move/y’all/walk properly, really trippy and weird I was all over the place.