The Huge Whale

Date: 4/14/2018

By willowgroves

It started off with a murder which happened. This young woman was going across this lake. She was some sort of journalist and she wanted to report things about the shopping centre which you could only get to if you crossed to the other side. It was nighttime. She was in the boat and she started to see shimmers in the water as the water moved with the flap of the huge legendary (I called it a shark whale) Whale tail. She was frightened but she still sailed across. Anyway what happened as the whale bucked them out of the boat and into the lake and suddenly when she reached out she felt something leathery. She noticed that the shark whale had piranhas we pilot fish who ate her fingers as she reached out. And she was surrounded by this shark whale who slowly crushed her to death and ate her. Anyway I was being told this story on the shore where this had happened. I was with a group of other detectives and I was one too, investigating this murder. (because shark whales don't exist and it seemed weird that suddenly it attacked for no reason). Anyway to even question anyone we were convinced to cross the lake. We did this in daylight hoping it would help and we pushed ourselves off as quick as possible. we had taken scuba gear as well so that if our boat capsized we could at least get to shore with a motor thing which pulls you along. We got half way across the lake and we realised that we were being followed by this shark whale and it capsized our boat. We used the motor to get us back on track. We had previously decided that we would scoot around the edge of the lake near the cliff face because then the whale couldn't surround us. anyway when this whale tipped us up, we lost track and we were thrown off course. and we were in the middle of the lake. So we quickly made our way to the side of the lake again and I watched as this dark shadow loomed behind us. noticing that the whale was gaining on us. we all decided to split apart so that our scents would hopefully confuse the whale. It did and it stopped for a few seconds trying to refind the true scent. by this time we had all managed to leach our scents into the water so it made it more confusing and we all managed to get to shore. On the shore, scared obviously, we got out of the water and got changed to go and chat with people about the incident. obviously since we were just attacked we knew either this was not just a one time thing and the people running the company were just covering it up. or the Shark Whale had suddenly snapped. When exploring this shopping island we came across this construction site. we decided to venture in as it was getting dark and there were strange noises coming from the inside. We found this lever and we decided to push it whilst climbing in these metal beams and people came flickering into life. they were like ghosts but you could touch them for a short amount of time before they flickered away again. And slowly they became more whole with time. We noticed that the woman we were investigating the death of was there and I caught hold of her. but she flickered out of existence for a second and I nearly fell to my death through the scaffolding but she flickered back and caught me. There was another person we recognised and this was one of our fellow detectives and we realised that the shark whale had not stopped to find our scents but really had been eating this person. Obviously a little guilty we all apologised. Anyway we led the ghost people outside. there were hundreds of thousands of them all dressed from different eras. And as soon as they were out of the construction site they were like normal people again. They didn't seem to remember their deaths. We figured that the company running this boat ride had been killing all the tourists for centuries which had been trying to get to the shopping island because nothing had ever been bought from any of the shops. Well since it was a shopping island we decided to try and find makeup for a ball which we decided to have in the honour of all those who had died and I teamed up with these two models who helped me find a makeup artist and a dress. We also found the blueprints to creating this shark whale. it wasn't really an animal and in fact a machine which captured the soul of people it killed and used them to fund the energy of the attraction to make more people come. Eventually when they had enough people the company had thought of ransoming their souls off to either their families or as slave souls. To stop the machine, cos nobody fancied going into the water to dismantle it, we froze the lake and made it into Ice 7 (which is a real type of ice which is only made from extreme pressure). And people started to walk from the island to the shore they had started their journey on. When we got to the other shore we arrested the old man who had convinced us to cross the lake and the rest of the company we could find and everyone filed multiple law suits against them. The End.