Fake Friends

Date: 3/29/2018

By _adrianas26

So, this was a sort of weird dream. It started off as my guy friends and I going to a building to do... I forgot what, but then there was an iHop and we entered. It was myself and my two friends. Anyway, my friend starts asking for a table of three, then changes it to four after he sees a cool guy next to him. Then, the cool guy changes it to five after seeing a cool guy across from him. I didn’t really have a reaction, I didn’t think much of it. So, we were at our table and we were all talking. Then, I see my girl friends walk to another table. I think that it’s four of them. Anyway, I wave and I pull out my phone to start taking pictures of them. I should mention that I we were seated in a section that was really high, and they were seated very low. So, like, I had to look down, zoom in, and then take a picture. I then remember this random guy who worked there kept blocking me, but his back was turned the other way. So, I don’t know why I got angry at my guy friends, but I did. I think it was because they were all eating except for me. So, then I told them I was upset and they all were sassy. So, I ended up leaving to the girls seat. I remember as I was leaving, the guys kept calling out for me to come back, but I was not listening. So, I join the girls and I’m looking for my backpack to see if I have cash. Then, I was asking the girls if they’ve seen it, they hadn’t. So, now I was asking them if they had any change left. They did, but not enough. So, I didn’t eat. Then, oddly, my STEM teacher shows up. She’s telling the girls to leave a tip. I look at the table, and the girls are trying to put pennies and coins and stuff. Then my teacher said: “No, don’t put change. Put bills. They gave good service”. So, I grabbed the backpack that was next to me, but it wasn’t mine, and I took out a $1 or $5 bill, I can’t remember. Then, my teacher nodded like she was pleased with me. Then, she started talking to me about my day and I forgot what she said but my eyes got teary. I guess I was crying because the guys were being selfish. The years never actually fell, but they were there. The dream ended there.