Date: 2/1/2018
By petal
I was traveling in a futuristic country park with my parents . It was like in a green Swedish countryside between quaint towns or amusement centres. There was a monorail to get from one place to other and there was some kind of special official event we were trying to attend with other tourists and town officials. My Dad decided that the event was going to happen at one stop of the monorail but my thought it was another. My Dad stop at one place I traveled back a stop with my Mum even though I thought she was wrong. Half way to the stop my Mum realised her mistake. We found out we would have to wait a while at the next station before we could go back to my Dad. At the station we sat in a place that look like a smart train station waiting room looking at the pleasant green hilly countryside. The locals all thought us odd because we were in the wrong place. A lady came round giving out yummy looking sausages in fresh hotdog bread rolls, wrapped in a white serviette. She handed me one but when she got to my Mum my Mum let on that we were just visiting. I was just about to take a bite of my sausage when the lady whipped out my hand saying it was for regular users of the monorail only. 😫😠😠I woke up and realised how funny the dream was and started laughing😆 in the middle of the night.