Yelow snow

Date: 6/16/2016

By PerceptionProtector

It was a casual day with a forecast of rain and wind. I was about an hour outside of town when I saw it. This was no ordinary storm front...the yellow snow was back. It has been years since the last time the mysterious fog covered the lands. Nobody knew where it came from or why. All we knew is that when the fog comes, you here screams at night. Not everyone know about the fog and some call it legend but, I've been to where the fog dwells all year after year. When I first caught sight of the fog rolling in I kicked my ass into high gear and pinned my dirt bike all the way to my dearest friends house. By the time I show up the snow has almost started (there wasn't much time). I kick open the door hollering about how the yellow snow is back and demanding to know where fisher is. I had already found Abby and she was safe by my side. Luckily fisher hadn't left yet for he knew nothing of the yellow snow...but, that wouldn't last. It was coming down now. All of our ponds and pools were no longer safe to drink. Any crops need to be washed and boiled b4 consumption. That is if you dare harvest from whatever creatures the snow brings to lurk inside dense foliage. We need to get supplies as fast as we can b4 this stuff is coming down heavy and especially b4 sunset. We had only 2 guns with limited amo. If we could get to fishers dads house then we'd be set for supplies and we could easily fortify it there but, I preferred the mountains in times like these people can be just as scary as monsters. We decide to send Fisher and his brother to go gather supplies b4 nightfall while me and Abby will hold down the fort. It was getting late and they still weren't back. Me and Abby took turns on watch for when they return. Morning comes "damn!" I must have fell asleep. We could have been robbed! I wipe the sleep from my eyes and what's more upsetting is that our comrades still weren't back...I just hope they made it through the first of these awful nights.