Date: 4/19/2020
By smparsons111
I dreamed that I was in a large fancy restaurant with friends. There was about 5 or 6 people in our group. One of them looked like a girl I knew in high school. The others looked like characters from the kids tv show Arthur. Towards the end of the dinner I asked my friends how they arrived at the restaurant. They told me they had all arrived in one vehicle, a large truck that the girl owned. I asked if there was room for one more since I was dropped off and wasn't going to be picked up. They said there was not. I asked if somebody else could also drive so I could get a ride (which now that I remember the dream this question doesn't make sense since they all arrived in one vehicle). The friend that looked like Binky from Arthur said "No!". I then sheepishly laughed and said, "Oh okay, I'll just take an Uber." I then fantasized that I would choose the "introvert" option when ordering the Uber ride, and ride all the way home without talking to the driver at all. Well my fantasy quickly morphed into a reality in the dream, and next thing I knew I was dropped off at my college campus (a university I used to attend). I looked around the parking lot and didn't see any of my friends. I was surprised that I managed to get here first. I only saw all the typical hipster dudes walking out of their cars and towards the student center. I followed them and headed towards the cafeteria when I entered the building. Inside the cafeteria, I didn't see many people I knew aside from one guy who I liked but I didn't talk to very much. When I got to his table he was already sitting with a few other friends. I casually asked him if I could sit down and eat with him, an he didn't seem to mind. I took off three large backpacks and put them down to save my spot, the backpacks took up a lot of space and were very noticeable.