Spiders & The House (2 Dreams)

Date: 8/10/2016

By Griq

(So here are 2 dreams, one of them ended with waking up at around 3:30AM, the other occurred 10min later.) The first part started off in some sort of Sahara/desert. There was a couch, desk and chair kinda molded into one piece of furniture, the couch on the other hand had nothing inside, It was just hollow. No stuffing, no pillows, nothing. For some reason my friend had 2 keyboards with him on the desk, one was mine. He kept hiding my keyboard as a joke, I kept finding it in the same place, underneath the hollow couch. At the same time there were spiders everywhere, only 2 by each side on every branch I looked at. They were always the same colors, one is orange and the other pink. In a total I would have probably spotted around 10 spiders, never together, only the pink and orange ones were like they were couples I guess. I walked through the spiders, I hear my brother called for help because he couldn't pass the spiders, neither could I at the time, so I looked at where I came through and went back the same way, while walking back I could feel the branch scraping on my back, knowing that there are spiders on them I tried dashing across. I couldn't see the spiders as I was facing away from them, but for some reason when the spider landed on my back, I knew without a doubt that it was the pink one. I woke up wondering what the keyboard had to do with the spiders, I remember my mechanical keyboard had pink and blue lights flickering all the time, The name of it was (Black widow chroma). My next dream occurred 10min after I fell back asleep. I was in a house, had a sketchy vibe to it. My friend from another city came to visit. He said that he had to go to the neighbors house for some reason and that its not safe to go there, so he won't be long. I went to get my clothes so that I could take a shower, I couldn't fin any so for some reason I ended up just going in my underwear. As i turned on the light of the bathroom the wall had a weird texture. More like a see through plastic and that others could see inside, as the light kept burning, more of the wall starts to fade away by leaving it totally invisible. I asked someone why this is happening, they explained that "Once the light is turned on it causes the wall to evaporate." I closed the door, went to my mothers room and called her to come and take a look. As I opened the door the room had changed. Where there once was a bathroom with no wall, it had now turned into a huge open spaced dining room. By the table there were more or less 20 people eating and just making conversation. When I said to my mom "this is so weird" they all turned their heads looking at us. This was so scary that I closed the door immediately. Opened back up the door right after, it was back to normal. I had asked her what that was, if it was ghost or just imagination. She never replied and went back to bed. My friend came home from the neighbors and I woke up right after. 2 terror dreams in one night, what could this possibly mean?