A dream that confronted my jealousy

Date: 10/2/2018

By Talon

I dreamt about Jurriaan again. He was with his "best friend " who was a pretty, thin brunette female. For some reason, they were both staying in the same house as I was. It seemed t be a vacation house. He was very chummy with her...and he also seemed to be angry at me for ghosting him. I was avoiding him throughout the dream because I felt embarrassed, inadequate, and jealous of her. Even though I knew they were not together, I was jealous because the acted like they were together....(maybe FWB). At one point, I was talking to Jurriaan as he was laying on the floor. The expression on his face was disappointed, hurt, and upset. He also seemed to act like he didn't care, which could have been a mask. I was apologizing to him for ghosting him and telling him that I would never do it again. He acted as if he didn't believe me. I was feeling uncomfortable around him, and just wanted him to leave. At the same time...I wanted him to kiss me, which I knew that if he did...it would be a mistake. There was another point in the dream where I was hanging out with his female best friend. Her and I found this old one room church in the country. For some reason, we threw a rock in a small window and broke in. When we got in, we looked around. We did not defile or steal anything. There was also an Asian man who seemed to be a romantic interest in the dream. Perhaps I was trying to date him to help me move on from Jurriaan. The church seemed to be owned by the Asian guy, because he came in after we broke the window, and he seemed really upset. There was also a shrine (Buddhist) in another church. I didn't worship it, but I was respectful while there. We were all in the room of the church/temple standing and then kneeling. Back to Jurriaan...because I was so disturbed from my jealousy and trying to avoid him, I was sleeping a lot. I felt ugly and unwanted.