January 02, 2018 Evil Arises

Date: 1/2/2018

By Seym022

I was at school after winter break ended. Before school started, there was a little party Julia and I threw at the school, it was awesome. Then something told me, go to the Titan Tower (Julia and I's tower) evil is coming. I told Julia and we went straight to the tower. Ian somehow got the message to and was there. The voice told us three to tell everyone we knew to come to the tower for safety. I checked the MYP Group Chat but it wasn't working. We each told everyone in our contacts individually to come the the tower. Only a few people came. Julia and I decided to go out on foot to find people while Ian was in control of the tower. People started going to the tower for safety when we saw Ale with hot pink eyes, she was destroying everything. I knew what was going on, The Evil of Pink was back. I told Ale to throw-up because she still had some control. After she threw up the evil in her was gone. Yet went in me so I did the same thing. Right before school started Ale, Julia, and I went back to the Titan tower. We told everyone what was happening and told them the only way to be safe was to look at the ground all day, no looking up. We went on with the school day, chaos arising. Mrs. Scott decided to cut the day short, everything was too chaotic. The evil started to spread through multiple people at G-Circle. No one knew who to trust. Except for the 6th graders because everyone followed my directions, we travelled in groups. Everyone waiting nervously for their parents to pick them up. First car was a bus the the prep, I through about getting on bc my dad was gonna take a long time to get here. I decided not to get on bc one of the people might've had the virus. I waited until my dad picked me up, and I told him what was happening. He knew a bout the evil as well and took me to a tall hill, known as The Safe Place. A bunch of my friends were there to, evil could not come. Then my Dad left and brought my Mom and Brother there as well. A week later the school was clear of all evil. Although soon, some students had to be cut from the school. Some evil was left in Bea. She made an announcement saying, everyone find someone to get married to so you won't get cut. She became obsessed with this idea. Every guy and girl would have a ticket with their name on it. They would switch when they would decide to marry each other. I was with Sam when we were talking about how crazy it was, and how she definitely didn't want to do it. Yet once she saw Bea, she went straight to a guy and traded tickets. I found Antonio on a couch, he didn' want to get married either. I said'"Do you wanna get married, I have a plan to stop this". We traded tickets and spent the whole day together to stay safe. The people who were not married hid in a third grade classroom, ducking every time someone came by. I saw them and told them Antonio and I have a plan to free them, but it would take awhile. Bea soon learned about the hidden ones and searched for them to take out. When the school day was over, all the married ones went in groups in cars together. Yet there were two small groups one of boys, and one of girls who were fake married. Antonio and I stayed with them and told them our plain, they agreed. The school week was soon over, everyone walking with their married person. The group of people we met, Antonio, and I snuck into school on the weekend. We though it would be empty, but it was infested with Bea and her large group of minions. Antonio and I pretended to be on her side and made it look like we were looking for the Hidden Ones. We told the others to do the same. We quickly rescued Maya and Chami from the Hidden Ones room for backup. Bea saw them and wondered aloud that they were not here before, she became suspicious. An hour later, Bea made a rude remark to me saying,"Your married!?" , with her whole group of minions laughing behind her. Then told Antonio,"You choose her," he then said,"yah I did bc she's great". My group was standing right behind us, one missing (planned out). So far, our plan was working perfectly. I then said ."Since second grade I've been trying to be nice to you, but you just keep on being mean, and repay me by taking my best friend from me, who is now hiding from you, WOW" She replies with, "How do you know Julia is hiding from me, do you know where the Hidden Ones are!" I replied with,"maybe I do, maybe I don't" I made a deal with her. It was whoever moved from where they were standing first, they would lose. If I lost, I would tell her where the Hidden Ones are. If she lost, all of her minions could be freed, or join with me. The thing is, I had the advantage here, Antonio had everything I needed to win this in a backpack. After 30 minutes, I could tell Bea needed to use the bathroom. So I grabbed a water bottle from the backpack and just poured it into the floor. She couldn't take it, and ran to the bathroom near the cafeteria. While this was competition was happening, Emma-Grace, Maya, and a Chami were freeing the Hidden Ones and telling them our plan. Once Bea got back from the bathroom, I told her where the Hidden Ones were and , only that I lead her to the wrong place on purpose. We lead our group back to the real classroom. Antonio and Ale made a trap for Bea. This trap would get her stuck on the ground. Then Julia would come in with a machine they built to take the evil out. Antonio then got Bea and led her to the right place. The lights were then turned off, Bea then got trapped, light on, and and Julia was there pointing the machine towards her. Bea's evil was getting stronger. We had to use the machine now. Julia turned it up but nothing happened, plot twist, Bea didn't have any evil force in her, it was just her. Everyone left Bea there of course with food and water and necessities. We then left in a gigantic Hummer Limo and partied all night. Antonio and I then went to the back to get a drink and just talk. He put his arm around me, I tilted my head on his shoulder, and we kissed. Although, Bea was then ignored for the rest of the year, no friends, no life. While on the other hand everyone was freed from getting married, no school cuts were made, and friends were made.