Date: 4/28/2017
By Marvin10
First scene I am in an unknown place. There are 3 marquees side by side on a hill. I am under the bottom marquee, I don't think there was anyone under the top marquee but 2 women are under the middle marquee. I don't know what we are supposed to be doing or selling but one of the ladies (unknown) is insulting me. The other lady is Linda K from my old camera club and she is laughing and smiling. I am really offended and let Linda know how I feel. I am getting pretty upset because Linda's saying there is nothing in it. I remember being teary. Second scene, I am sitting on a bench seat that is 20-25 feet in the air. There are 3 or 4 other males sitting up there. I think we are casually talking about the easiest way to climb down from the seat. I could jump but I'm worried I would hurt myself. I know I can get down but I am trying to work out the best way. Eventually I climb down the back of it.