Date: 5/19/2017
By wanderingSnake
I remember being at a party between friends and strangers, a loud congregation of sorts. Being bothered by its clutter and sound I volunteer to help some people get something for the party, so off we go from a building to a mountain side jungle we wander on thin dirt paths jumping over the roots and underbrush of trees toward a temple full of treasure. I do not know when these two settings melded into each other but they did. Soon we were shutting off fire traps and other defenses of the temple I remember finding many gold keys of different kinds. The first kind was a little gold tag with an animal and fine detailing engraved on it the second was an animal figurine matching the animals on the tags and finally the last type of key was an ordinary looking key all of them were made of gold. The tags and animal keys were specifically for puzzles but often when solved yielded nice loot, like ancient perfumes, gold and jewels. I remember many of the people who traveled with me eventually died to traps, unlike myself who knew to watch out for them by my folly was that I fell into greed for the treasures that lie deeper within. the end of the dream felt like I was about to meet an ill fate myself for that greed.