Date: 1/1/2021
By UniqueStarque
A group of us are stuck in the middle of a very large pool. The water is freezing and infested with bugs and leeches. One of the guys was in a tub, but it had filled with water without him noticing. Someone says “I warned you about going off to the corner by yourself” referring to staying close with the group huddling for warmth. The guy smiles, he doesnt care, he is tired and has given up. He then sinks with the tub into the pool. Shortly after, he notices a bunch of huge leeches attach onto him and he then freaks out. We’re not out of the pool. My dad jumped to the bottom of a leech-infested pool, so I jumped in too. When we came out after only being in for a few seconds, I was covered in tiny leeches. As soon as I noticed and tried to pull them off, it began to sting really badly and I began to scream. Then I saw a catepillar crawing on finger, I freaked out and tried to get it off because I knew it bit. It did. Hard. It bit down on my finger tightly and I could not pull it off, the pain was intense. End. Side note: very very rarely will I feel pain in my dreams. In the ones where I’m being shot and whatnot, usually I just feel a tingle or funny feeling. This was extreme pain.