Date: 7/4/2019

By EvanG

My friend Mike and I were walking around this town. While walking we saw my friends Hailey and Olivia walking too. In the top right corners of our vision we had a “quest step” assigned to us from school. When it became night we snuck into this garage and started messing with this really old tractor. We went back out side and then our “quest step” changed and it was to decorate the tractor. So we walk back into the garage, this time there is no one else in there. Mike grabs a sharpie and then sits in the seat to begin. I grab a black paint pen. It’s tip is leaking paint which smells very strongly of chemicals. The tractor now had green, red, yellow, and blue(?) designs on it that kind of looked like graffiti, we were outlining this design. Next two older men and an autistic man walk into the garage. Mike then calls my outlining retarded to mess with me. The oldest of the two men and easiest comprehend, the other one was blurry, looked at him and said that’s rude. The automatic man was to Mike’s left and was just laughing. I was getting kind of scared of the old man and went outside. At this point If Rain is What You Want off of the 2015 Slipknot album The Grey Chapter started playing as “in game music” to go along with the “quest step” while outside I saw Hailey standing next to a hole she dug. She was laughing, like she usually does. Next thing I know I’m attacked by 3 men, the former autistic now zombie/Frankenstein and two of blank blurry people who were a very dark gray unlike the old man from before. My new step is to survive. So I take out the blurry men and then punch the zomfrank into the hole Hailey dug. At this point in the song the lyric “the only thing darker than my last death” played and the zomfrank said “Wow now it’s getting really realistic” in a very similar fashion to Kingpin from Into the Spider-Verse. Then I spun and kicked Hailey into the hole and punched he chest. Since her head was the only thing keeping her from falling in and she was stiff, when I hit her and it pushed her deeper her head popped off. It did in the fashion that a flower head does when it’s been dead for a while suggesting that the blurry men got to her before I got outside. It was at this point that I woke up.