This was a fucking your dreams

Date: 2/11/2018

By lmlib

I was in ocean city with haleys family. Me and her brother were going to meet her family down on the beach. We saw a huge wave forming and we were like oh shit. We started to run like everyone else but the sand made us slower. We made it far away but I realized the wave would still get to us. I said follow me and we ran under one of the condos so it would block the wave. The wave was already at us so it got us a little but we got under the safety of the condo really quick. I removed her Dad saying there was a surfer on top of that wave. I was in my living room making a contraption with two boxes and some funnels and ductape. I told my mom I wanted a pet shark so it was a shark catcher. A sponge would connect to the hole and you would go through the hole. There was a hole on the other side that the shark would go through and you would be able to see th shark. I had to stop because my mom made me chicken nuggets or something. She said I should’ve been doing homework. Mrs. Brown and mrs. McGuire were putting on a play with the choir and theater students. I was on stage and I didn’t have any special parts of course because she hates me. I think some of my friends had special parts. I had to hop off the stage in a graceful manner and sing but I just lip synced because I didn’t know any of the words. I joined the other people who had jumped off. I saw that my family was there and tony went up. I started chanting tony tony tony and everyone else joined along. I forgot what he did but we were proud of tony. Mrs. Brown was mad because we were supposed to chant for the actors. I can’t really explain this. I was flying over the Eiffel tower with this giant thing. It would smoothly go over the legs of the Eiffel Tower. I was with my dad he was telling me that it wouldn’t work because the Eiffel towers was not smooth it was debris filled. It didn’t work. We came to this one part where this super hero kid lived. I asked him why he wasn’t being a superhero anymore. We flew off and we went around the city. We were in France and the Eiffel towers was the size of the whole city. Idk it was really weird. We went past a lot of sky scrapers and the had like dust and debris all over them. I asked my dad if this was a desolate city. He said no a volcano had just erupted and that was the stuff all over the building apparently everyone was told to stay inside. I ended up in the forest of Japan or Paris. I was in the forest and I was with this group of animals but they were from another planet. They looked just like the animals here. They were asking me how I could change their appearance to look more like animals on earth. In my dream mind I was like that’s a bit weird because the look just like normal animals here. One was a deer one was a pig one I don’t remember the rest but I made the deer look like a giraffe. And I made another look like a rabbit by switching