he stole my body

Date: 4/2/2020

By space_tubbs

okay so my dream began with me sitting in class doing my work. i was with victor and i was telling him how i need to put on shoes before i leave school. so as soon as the dismissal bell rings, he leaves to drop off his girlfriend at the bus pickup. anyway, i stay inside my classroom with ana and we’re eating french toast together as i put on my shoes. everything feels fine until i look at the time and realize i have to go and meet victor at our rock (it’s our spot lol) so i dash out the back doors of the school and make it to the front of the school. as i’m approaching the rock, i stumble across a guy who was going to sit at a different rock and said to me “sorry, are you trying to sit here?” to which i responded no and pointed to victor who was already sitting there, “ i’m meeting up with my friend :) you’re okay” i try to walk to victor but this guy keeps stoping me. he starts saying some weird shit like “wait i want to talk to you. sit with me” and “ i love you can’t you understand??!” i got really freaked out at how desperate this random guy was being, especially because he started describing details of my life. again, i have no clue who this guy is, so how tf does he know me? i get scared and tell victor we should leave, which we did but this wasn’t the end. the following day i came to school and it was like 6th period? not sure but i was with alondra and ana walking to our next class when suddenly victor came from behind us with his girlfriend and said to me, “ look, J is right there” and turned to to find him and to my surprise, he stood next to me. he looked me up and down and basically said to me “ hey liz :)” i stammered as i didn’t know what to say, “ i’m leaving school now, i’ll see you later. bye :)” and as soon as he appeared he left. i was shocked at the sight of him that i dragged my friend to the bathroom where i proceeded to throw up. here’s where things get weird, right after we leave the bathroom we’re suddenly animal crossing characters?? it’s super weird but i rush home afterwards where my parents are acting weird. they’re accusing me of things i’ve never done and i keep trying to justify myself. my brothers take me to the mall to ease my mind off things but it’s somewhere here where i realize that weird kid who basically harassed me at the rock STOLE MY IDENTITY. i don’t know how but he was so obsessed with me he took my body. by this point things in my dream get foggy. so here are some things i remember: - i was at the park with a friend and a guy kept following us. i screamed at him to leave us alone and a bunch of local moms came to our rescue as we ran out of there - i kept being accused of outlandish things when in fact it’s the crazy kid who’s doing all this. it gets bloody real quick as he starts hurting people. - i changed my identity but he was stalking me and learning my every move. at one point i could hear his thoughts