Date: 4/15/2021
By Sssmorgann
In line at middle school and someone said something negative to m/about Shenell. She bowed up and mouthed off at the girl. The girl immediately called the principal or cops and told them she was reporting a death threat and get Shenell arrested because she was on probation. Made it to kindergarten/first grade classroom and one of the principals showed up for Shenell. She was familiar with her, and playfully resisted. I chimed in that I had been there and witnessed everything and that the life threat was fake. The principal was eating a pink sucker and she smacked me in the nose with it and pulled out my nose ring, but she believed me and Shenell. In high school trying to go sign up for advanced/college classes but it was difficult to get to the sign up sheet. They bad us lining up by last name. There were 3 people in front of me but the lady singled me out and she she wasn't going to tske my info because of my attire. I realized I was wearing short shorts and my dbz hoodie. I tried to be really sweet and understanding and evoke some empathy from her by explaining that I had nothing else to wear and this was the only opportunity I was going to have. For some reason she made me a deal that if I flashed my ass, she would let me register for these classes. She flashed hers first to the empty field with like 3 people able to see. I was wearing a backpack so when I was bent over and had slipped my shorts down and barely got them back up, I lost my balance and fell back onto Jordan who was sitting in a folding camping chair. I used my momentum to bounce back up off her but my laptop inside my backpack had hurt her hips. Trying to get other teachers to register me. It was all elementary school teachers. Waiting for Mrs Cox in her a look Alaska cabin themed office. Ended up in a neighborhood/lake. There were snakes and frogs to avoid but I had to get back to register. Right as I got to the offices, Alana was riding a bike dressed as a bat/witch and was constantly pretending to be out of control of the bike, flailing her winged/cloaked arms around and letting the bike wobble then quickly and covertly steer it where she wanted it to be. I met her as she was getting off the bike at the door she was entering. She showed me that she had been videoed and put on the news for her performance, but it was just Instagram with 75 likes (but it was fast). At the new science/math wing at the high school, entering from teacher parking lot. Massive crowd entering too, we were all scared and scrambling to get away from horrific evil storm outside. Then ????