Attacked by a Bird

Date: 7/21/2019

By ✨🔮DreamJournal📓

So before I get attacked by a bird I was living with a different family. In my dream very paranormal stuff was happening doors opening on its own etc plus it was dark outside and raining, but the last paranormal thing that happened was a dark gray plastic tube running through the house and the valve thingy twisted loose on its own so I called ‘my dad’ for him to to fix it. That’s the last thing I remember before getting attacked, so I was laying down in the exact position and my own room I was sleeping in and then my eyes got all blurry and couldn’t really see out of them plus I couldn’t move my body it felt like weights were on my chest and I couldn’t go anywhere then I see a brown bird in the corner of my room aiming its feet claws right for me I tried to cover my eyes but I wasn’t successful I eventually slid my body off of my bed to go trap the bird inside my room, but I could barely stand up and I was walking very slow then the dream ended from there. I don’t really know what that dream means so ya congrats if anyone made it down this far😄