Kangaroos Collapse the Government

Date: 5/6/2019

By ParamedicDreams

I was driving down the road in my car with a friend. There were big rock bluffs on both sides in places and open in others. We came up on 2 kangaroo in the road. These kangaroo were pissed off at something. I had slowed down so I wouldn't hit them at highway speeds. I try honking my horn at them so they would get out of the road. They started screaming back at my car when I'd press the horn and then 1 grabbed the grill of my car, just under the hood and tried to flip the car over. I tried giving it a little gas and pushing the kangaroo back but it didnt work and the hood of my car is getting all fucked up as it starts to slam its fists down. I backed up and tried to go around and met another car head on. The other wouldn't let me by and we hit head on. I give the car some more gas because now the kangaroo is beside my car and trying to flip it on its side. The other car let's loose in reverse and smashed its rear into a bluff as I went by. My friend and I got got a little ways away and got out of the car. I grabbed my AR out of the trunk and we started walking back toward the kangaroos. I was going to shoot both of them because they were so dangerous. As we got closer I realize I didnt grab my ammo bag. I ask my friend if he has any .556 and he hands me a magazine. It didnt feel right and i tried to check it as i asked him if it was .556. He said yes and was blocking me with his shadow. It was really bright out and the high contrast of light and dark was making it hard to read the stamp on the magazine. I finally position myself well enough in the light and out of his shadow and find he gave me .762. I told him it was the wrong ammo and he insisted I use it. I realized he was a dipshit and refused to shoot it. I told him we needed to go back to the car and get my ammo bag. At this point we can see a couple people fighting off kangaroos outside the house they were next to. The people yell at us for help as we start to head back to the car, so we go ahead toward the house and get inside. I figured .556 is common enough that these people would probably have some. And after we got rid of these kangaroos I would go back to my car and leave. We get inside and I ask for the ammo. One of the guys goes into another room and I follow. He pulls out a bag of reload stuff and says "if i ever need any ammo I just reload some shells". He explains that his dad is faster at reloading and I go to get him but he's already there. As they are working on some I ask for my size, and they say they dont have any. They acted as if .556 was some exotic ammo they've never seen. I go back in the living room and there is a massive kangaroo, like 10 foot tall, coming through the door. But it wasn't a kangaroo it had the head and fur of a bear. I felt useless without any ammo and started yelling and waving my arms in a failed attempt to scare it out the door. Then in came another massive kangaroo with the head and fur of a beaver. There was a break in the dream where a bunch of time had passed. The house was now a skyscraper in a post apocalyptic setting. I hadn't left in a year or 2. There was some sort of pseudo government in charge of all of us in the building and we couldnt leave. I started climbing the stairs to my room. The stairs were narrow and steep with old wooden hand rails on both sides and the vertical wooden pillars going up from the stairs to the railing. I ran into the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, going up very slow. She was short, tan, with a perfect round ass, slim build, and a knee length flowing dress. I pressed up behind her as we climbed the stairs, and I was holding both sides of the railing to help me climb. She told me she was scared of heights and deathly afraid of falling, explaining why she was going so slow. I told her I was right behind her so I could catch her if she slipped. She gave me a sort of look that showed disbelief. With a serious face I explained that if she slipped back I was right behind her and she wouldn't fall, and if she fell forward I would be able to grab her. Then without hesitation I joked, never mind if you fell forward I couldnt do anything. It all happened in a flirting way as the front of our bodies were pressed together. She started pushing back to get behind me as I laughed told her to slow down. We were backing up to a platform just below us where the stairs turned, it would give us enough room to switch spots. We climbed the stairs and the view panned out to outside the 40 floor building. Me thoughts had switch to wondering how long it had been since I had seen my friend and what had happened to him. Outside the building, there were cloth canopies. They were all tattered and weather beaten. I noticed people out on the canopies, and first thought how scary the wind would be on such a small ledge. As the view came in closer, the people that were out there, were not there of their own free will. All of them were bound in ropes and some trying to huddle to their loved ones beside them. It was how people were punished and put to death for violating the rules. The canopies started to break, the already tattered sheets started giving way and the people fell through the air screaming and crying. I walked around the first 2 floors of this building. The second floor was a balcony that overlooked the first floor. He only people there were from politically powerful families. And I saw a montage of old oil paintings of the different families and the ones that had caused problems for the families turned gray signifying they had been killed. The remaining members all aged on the paintings to their current appearance. It looked as if it had been 40 years. I recognized all the faces around me and knew exactly what their murdered family members had done and been executed for. Now all of those executions were done privately and covered up as random tragedies. I needed out of this place. I asked the head security lady at the front desk if I could go to my car up the road. She hesitated and asked me what I needed from it. I dont remember what I told her but I down played it as a sentimental item I wanted back. She told me that it would probably have been looted already but if I really wanted to risk death to get there I could. I left the place with my AR broken down and hidden in a backpack. The world outside was straight from a movie or video game. The road was cracked with weeds growing up. Trees pushing up the sides of buildings and houses. I found my car at a gas station not far away and the trunk had been untouched. I took out my AR, reassembled it and grabbed the ammo bag out of my trunk. I slung the bag over my shoulder, loaded a magazine and started walking away on a mission I dont remember. After I woke up and talked to my girlfriend. Apparently I was aggressively fucking her in my sleep every hour and keeping her awake.