Crashing Wade's Car

Date: 3/8/2020

By Ellainc

I had a dream that Wade, LordMinion777 himself, was for some reason at my house. In this dream for some reason I didn't have my car around, and Wade was driving my cousin's car who has been given the name Stanley. So Wade asks me to drive him down to the end of my driveway to get something, and I agree because I needed to get something too. (My driveway is a really long gravel driveway.) On our way back up the driveway I realized that if you diverge to the left it takes you to a Tim Hortons because that makes sense. I asked Wade if he'd be okay with me using his car to go and he nodded, and I asked him if I should drop him off at my house first and he said yes. So after I dropped him off I decided to go backwards the little bit I had to go back down my driveway to get to the pathway towards Tim Hortons. But as I was doing that the driveway turned into a two lane road, and I was using the back up camera to make sure I was in the lanes and whatnot, which I wasn't- I was in the complete wrong lane. (This is at night btw because all of my dreams seem to take place at night.) So I finally come up to the diverging path and turn, and for some reason there's two big red busses driving very close to me right then which I was scared I wouldn't be able to avoid. At the same time a very white and plain train for some reason showed up even though there weren't any train tracks and I ended up crashing the car. I started freaking out and didn't know what to do, and apparently in this dream some type of app existed that detected when you would crash and would give you "a second chance" by somehow rewinding time on the car and restoring it to its original glory. I kept trying to get the app to work but it wouldn't work, and I ended up going back to my house in a panic to tell my dad about what had happened. When I walked in the door for some reason our walls were coated in a strange white wallpaper covered in green flowers. I went over to my dad who was sitting on the couch and before I could tell him much of anything he started talking to me about a specific bowl that men want and asked me to put chips or something in it. He wouldn't stop talking so I had to interrupt him to tell him about what had happened. I don't remember anything else because I waited too long to write the dream down but sorry about crashing my cousin's car that you had Wade.