i’m a Serial killer

Date: 3/10/2021

By sugarbelle

This dream was similar to my real life, so everything is pretty normal. We were planning my mom‘s 50th birthday party so we were getting all of those things together. However every time I fell asleep, I woke up in another reality that was exactly the same as my other life, except I was a serial killer and I couldn’t help it. When I woke up in the other reality where it wasn’t a serial killer, I didn’t have any of those urges at all. I loved my family and I didn’t want to hurt them in either reality, but I didn’t have a choice. The weird thing about both realities is that whatever happened in one affected the other. It was a continuous days but every other day I was either normal, or a killer. I guess when I was the serial killer, I killed somebody and I put them and a shed inside of my house. In my dream, my house was three stories with a bunch of rooms, so there is three sheds in a hallway on the third story that lead to a giant room where the dogs were, and then finally that lead to the giant room where the party was going to be. I started to get severe anxiety in both worlds because I didn’t want to hurt my family. I considered killing myself but that would hurt them as well because they would be sad that I was gone. If I turned myself in, it would turn their whole world upside down. I really had nowhere to turn except to stop cold turkey and hide all the evidence, but I couldn’t control myself. Also people were closing in on me. Because the party was happening, these two men came to the house and they had brought their two dogs. They kept asking to come in and check out what we had set up but I kept trying to stop them. My parents we’re wondering why I was trying to stop them so much, but I just told them it was because the poop in the dog room wasn’t picked up and it was really bad. The men barged in anyways and started walking up to the third-floor and making their way down the hallway with the sheds. When we were walking up the stairs to get to the third-floor, my brother Brady came to me and said “I don’t know why but Brooke is hyperventilating and freaking out in one of the sheds because she found some thing.” My heart dropped because I knew she found one of the heads. I told him to console her and just get her out of the way and that I would try to fix it. At that moment, I had to figure out what to do with the two men and then I would figure out what to do with Brooke. The two dogs would most definitely have searched out the dead body so I was trying to find a way to get rid of it by throwing it off the building or something. There were no windows or doors so I didn’t really have an option, but luckily one of my dogs was sitting on top of the container that the head was in, so if the dogs came in to sniff it it would just look like they were sniffing the dog. everything was fine from there, except I knew Brooke was going to be a problem. She can’t keep a secret for her life, and she’s too emotionally unstable to handle a secret like this. I try to walk up to her and tell her a lie but it wasn’t working because she somehow knew. I decided to just tell the truth and turn myself in. I went downstairs and there was a lot of police officers and everything but they didn’t know it was me I don’t think. I told my parents some thing about it, but I don’t think I told him the whole truth. They decided to try to help me escape. they put me in a van and I was driven all the way to a mental institution. They pretended like I had a mental break down so I could get out of the situation without being suspected. When I was there, I was in the shower and I felt something weird in the back of my head. It was like a grape feeling thing. I guess in my dream it was a brain tumor, but it was on the outside of my head. I ripped it off or popped it or something, and I noticed a change in me. The serial killer part of me was gone. I was so relieved and I was able to be let out into society again without anybody knowing. A couple months later, I guess I got a job as a news anchor and I was reporting on a local high school basketball team. After I did my spiel, I looked at the TVs around me. I saw me on the TV but I wasn’t reporting at the basketball game, I was reporting in another state. I was so confused because I styled my hair differently and I wore different clothes. I realized that somehow, someway, my serial killer self cloned itself and starting a new life separate from me.