Date: 1/2/2019
By pardonkookie
I watched a performance or something at this school or building. Everyone was leaving and heily was there with her kids and Blanca was there. Everyone was leaving and there was signs up of warnings of this disease starting with a d. And o was feeling itchy everywhere. So everyone leaving and for some reason I decide to turn back to the building. I’m passing by school students, buses, crowds of people, until I’m back in the building. It’s dark out by now. I get in the elevator and see a sign that says there’s a shooter in the building so I start getting scared. The elevator opens on my floor and a man is standing there. I try and go out but he takes out a knife. I try fighting him and some guy comes and helps me and I run down the stairs. I leave the building with the guy still following me and see a van with Sam and Dean inside so I stop and ask them to help me. I go in the van and it turns out the guy was a demon they were hunting. Dean looks at my soul and I’m like this rainbow muppet looking thing lol.