Date: 9/27/2019

By CalMehJuly

BONUS DREAM- I was in math class and I was writing shapes and lines and numbers on a piece of paper. Evil Ruler- I had to defend this land and 3 people were taking over this place. One woman came from my bedroom window trying to get in. So I killed her, a person who was a evil witch and used powers to levitate me. I won the battle against her though. And my brother killed this strong tall guy. The 3rd guy won everyone over somehow in like words. THERE WAS LITERALLY a room of people with weapons ready to attack but they didn't. Were they scared of him? I dont know... He handpicked out less then 15 girls. He took them to this place where they would learn another language. Probably his langauge. I was one of them. All of them were frighten. They were worried for their families and I was too. But i had a vision that we would all be free again. I told one of the girls. She asked how long. I told her a few weeks or months or years. I was lying to her. I didnt want her to give up. We would all be free in 10 years... We were like in school learning this new langauge. We were all dressed up princess like. I grew my hair long and smooth. If we didnt do good in school we would be punished. I think he favored me since he didnt want to do it. I told him to do it anyway since I was strong and wanted to show the other girls to not give up. however... time passed... I was loyal to him?