Date: 12/16/2019
By pinkstar16121
I think I was dreaming about Traveler's Insurance because I was telling everyone yesterday that I applied for a job there. I was in this building that the rooms were made of wood. It must have been being renovated or something. I wanted to get up onto this higher platform that I thought I would have to pull myself up onto, thinking about doing it, but then realizing I couldn't as I realized how high up it was. But then I saw there was a ladder, which was obviously more manageable, but I was still afraid because it was high up. I didn't climb up so that's not how I injured my leg. The cause is vague, but I did fall and I strained a muscle. It was my good leg too. I have a bad leg that my disability affects. I then suddenly was in my yard, which actually may or may not have been where I fell. I just know I transitioned from that renovation room to my front yard. At the same time I saw my mom's car pull up...onto our front lawn for whatever reason, I saw my uncle's wife appear. She works at and will be my reference for the Traveler's position. She had curly hair like she did when her hair all grew back after her cancer treatments. I was like "omg this is crazy that they both showed up at the exact same time." I realized the car wasn't my mom's though, and it just left. I then had to be brought to the hospital, which was Travelers Insurance. I saw the red logo sign. I got my whole leg bandaged, and I somehow learned to hop around on that foot and I didn't even use crutches. At one point I was getting support from a family friend as my essential crutches, and I was basically just floating. I commented on this, and everyone was trying to get me to put weight on the foot. I did, and I was somehow walking around with my heel to the ground and toes never hitting the ground. All throughout the dream I wore the cast, but I also was constantly assessed for my pain, so I had to keep going back to the hospital. That's when I was floating around weightless. At one point while I was getting assessed, my mom was there, basically telling me to stay strong and be patient. That I've gotten through so much and I could get through this. She was quoting something with such cheesy passion, it was more funny than emotional, but I did end up tearing up in the dream. There was one part where I was hopping around outside in this dumpster area with a staircase, and I saw this girl who also had a cast on. She asked me how I broke my leg, and I said I hadn't; they were just monitoring it. I just strained a muscle. I was then at my house and my sister had two fictional friends over who slept over, except one of them made me think of one of her friends who I've met once. They were all hanging out on the couch where my sister sleeps (she's a nomad) and I had my back turned to them so I never actually looked at them till one of the girls who I thought was really nice to me, got me some my own house haha. Then, I saw my friend and also a post he made on Facebook about running into his sister and it involved these coins. I think those popped up in my dream because last night I saw a Tik Tok of a girl who had like $100+ in coins she was counting with a digital counting money jar called a rainy day fund. There were also bills on the table where the coins were. I don't know how much money it was, but I remember the number 20 something, definitely at least 20. It was like a sentimental moment/post because his sister commented that it was a special moment, like fate took hold or something. I don't even know. Maybe in my dream world they hadn't seen each other for a while. I liked the post, but then I wanted to change my like to a love, but the option wasn't coming up, and I was mad because I felt like it was a love worthy post (remember when all we had was the like button? If you don't, then you're really young). Next I was at some kind of restaurant with my brother and these boys. It was basically this back room and I think it was in the Travelers/hospital building. I remember getting up at one point after we were done to get assessed. There was also this weird part with this boy who wanted to keep a secret and they were going to tell one of his friends who I guess wouldn't be able to keep the secret, and the boy was like "hide (insert friend's name here. I forgot what it was)," in a panicked voice. He kept saying that. His friend was apparently in the bathroom, but they went and found him anyway. Before this at the table, my brother ordered this baked potato, and he was the only one eating/who had ordered. After what felt like an eternity, I finally looked at the menu in front of me, but I had no idea what I wanted. One of the boys ordered steak I think, but I definitely saw it on the menu. I decided I wanted a baked potato with butter and sour cream like my brother had, but I saw on the menu it specified that the baked potato was what was called an early order, so I had to order it ahead of time like my brother had. I didn't end up eating. Last part: I was standing in the entryway of my fireplace room with all these people inside. Ariana Grande was performing in my house. I remember she sang Breathin, and I sang along with her. The song, for some reason ended right after the bridge, not going into the last climactic chorus. My grandfather who I had known was behind me, but forgot until I felt him touch my shoulders, said I sounded good singing, and I should perform. Immediately after the song, some other singer who I don't even think she was a real singer started performing and I told my grandfather "that's my favorite artist," pointing to Ari who was still there, but he was like "who?" I said "the artist who was just singing before." He still didn't know who I was talking about, so I just repeated myself, saying the artist who was just performing. I then went and sat on the couch in the room right next to where Ari was standing and I. Could. Not. Breathe. I was freaking out! She wore this light green top. My grandfather was sitting next to me and I said quietly so Ari wouldn't hear "the girl in the green is my favorite artist." He couldn't hear me, so I had to repeat myself again, as quietly as I could. I thought I saw her glance at me, my heart skipping a beat, and I smiled and I thought I saw her smile back, but she didn't. My sister was there, and I said quietly so Ari wouldn't hear "I can't believe Ariana Grande is in our house!" She rolled her eyes and was acting like I was embarrassing her. She told me that her friend was dating a guy who knew Ariana, and so basically she didn't want me acting like Ariana was this goddess, but I couldn't help it. I'm a big fan of hers. I did feel upset though because my sister was so annoyed. I felt embarrassed like maybe I shouldn't act like that. Last part ended with me on my way to get assessed again. Then I woke up before I got to the room.