Being an innovator in a new shoe company

Date: 8/26/2016

By Convitz1234

There was an artist making a painting out of red feathers and leaves and dirt on the ground next to an outdoor park like crater lake. I heard a voice say its beautiful as long as it doesn't rain. As the voice booms this warning inside my head as I watch him work it begins to rain which makes the whole work of art melt away like it was made with paint. He doesn't seem as agitated with this as one would expect, but I get the sense that someone else in the scene captured the essence of the artwork and wouldn't let it die. And so this guy went on to create a shoe using the same artwork style and it went on to be a hit thus launching a shoe company I was now a part of. The artist was so grateful he made the shoemaker a giant statue of a pencil (for whatever reason) in the park. The shoemaker and about ten other people including myself were trying to come up with ideas for the next big show when the leader had the idea to enter into a new realm for inspiration. We all took a small vile of liquid and we appeared in a great big rolling field of grass surrounded by big trees all around. We began brainstorming and we began listing off some of the popular shoes and the creator said we should take all of them and compare them and see how we can add our personal creative twist to it. We all think it's a great idea but then I hear voices from far down the hill. I go and investigate. We hear the sounds of people joyously biking away so we get into s car and begin chasing them. They were members of our group abandoning us to escape in this wonderful new world and we had to stop them. I woke up to my work alarm.