Weird new toy šŸ˜¬

Date: 7/29/2020

By evp722

I somehow acquired this white vibrator sex toy that had a button that emitted a moaning noise from a speaker when pressed. I didnā€™t actually use the toy on me but I pressed the button a few times and these moans and cries came out wtf. But then I realized my dad was in the other room and he could probably hear the moans. And when he came in the room I made up some lie to explain the noises. He was like ā€œoookayā€ and I could tell he didnā€™t believe me. Also throughout this dream idk where I was, I just know it was some house that Iā€™ve never been in during real life. Then the dream changed. I was in this big mansion place with my middle school classmates, and there was some competition going on between them that I was just observing. They were segregated into 3 different teams, and had to run from eachother? I donā€™t quite remember or understand the object of the game. But I saw someone giving another person a piggyback ride.