Date: 7/30/2018
By hailthesillynick
Dream 1: My crush knowing everything about me and living in the house instead of Dad. Dream 2: My skating rink to be built after high school cause I’m a Junior by the way. Dream 3: Taking Video Game Design Classes and using it to create my own version of Fallout in Detroit and the game will be called Fallout: New Detroit. Dream 4: Becoming a teacher after High School and showing those scumbag parents that their kids have a teacher like this now. It’s how the world works now: a Teacher in Middle School with ADHD and Post Conduct brain disorders as the reason why about my erratic behavior with your children in my fantasy class. Dream 5: Seeing my beautiful girlfriend again and getting married and having kids with her. If we had kids, I’d NEVER punish them in fact at all because of my Post Conduct brain disorder. And when you have that brain disorder out of all brain disorders out there, then that means this here: It is very far expected that your children get it too if it’s hereditary. And oh my god, I’ll be such a fun father there, man: My kids will not frown and hide to have to see me because I’m both a very nice guy and because I’m not like my own parents which is just Dad only my dad abuses me all the time. And abused children turn out to be either very nice or mean that much. I ended up being very nice that much. But on second thoughts though, Well, since I’m a Criminal, they might rebel against me by saying that either I’m weird, they could turn me into the police, or they could say that I’m honestly so immature for a parent. No wonder why they have to deal with me everyday in the summer. But seriously though, if they call the police on me, I would be very angry and kick whoever did that out of the house because what if I lost my career in Education that day? I would be fucked! I would’ve had to get a new job! Like Business or Video Game Design as a good example. And whoever of my kids did that to me, they’d better hope I’m in Jail long enough that I can’t boss them around because once I get back their punishment is homelessness for their crimes against my will in life.