fruit trees

Date: 4/14/2019

By Talon

i was visiting someone who was. relative, apparently. she had a cherry tree, apple tree, and something else...I'm not sure. they were all on the edge of land that immediately met the ocean. i was trying to eat some of the apples. they were the green kind, not granny smiths, but lighter than that. i was trying to find one without blemish or holes from bugs, but couldn't find one. i bit and found a worm then discarded it. there were people around me talking, but i don't remember what they was something about the apple. I walked further down and noted that the ground was soft. i got to the water and started putting my hands in when i noticed a giant sting ray. there were a few. i was petting them. then i noticed a bright orange-pink horned pit viper. it had black horns. i held up some kind of fabric do it wouldn't bite me.... but it ended up biting a little boy instead.