👻Creepy Stereotypical Asian Lady Ghost and a dumb Survival Game👻 Dreams/Nightmare Pt. 22

Date: 7/7/2021

By miisguiided

Date of dream: March 31st 2021 Okay so this dream started off where I remember it was a party group of people almost like a school trip but not a school trip? It’s just a group of college kids or a frat house amount of college kids, both boys and girls there and they get out on this trip and they’re in this household Airbnb type deal together and there’s this asain girl who gets picked as the scary possessed one right? Anyways, everyone is chillin. Normal at the party house, everyone is getting settled excited for their trip to this new country/place/resort thing and then she (said creepy Asian girl) and her boyfriend snort this weird crack like drug that they got from a local that they wanted to try and I’m assuming that’s where the spirit or demon takes over, so they start both acting drunk and high and super out of it and I’m like no thanks I want away so I try to go upstairs where the kids were (idk why there were kids they’re not there later) and I’m trying to go up the stairs with chaine and emma and she follows well we go back downstairs and I run downstairs l leave them (chaine and emma) behind to tell the main supporting cast people of this that there’s something fucked up with her somethings about to happen the. Everyone’s running down the stairs and they realize she’s fucked up well in the folklore background of this hallucinogen drug apparently whoever takes it becomes possessed and forced to play this game and previously before she became taken over (a bit of foreshadowing here) we see the synopsis of what’s supposed to happen to the people in a movie type thing we watched from the locals etc etc and so that starts happening, the Asian girls eyes get black and same with the bfs and they start chasing us and EVERYONE ends up running towards the door and they all stop and pause and are sticking their hands up to hold the door closed and they’re arms are stuck out and everyone’s eyes are like rolled back/ black etc and then the same movie locals thing plays back on the tv and this is a key thing once it starts playing you HAVE to listen to it to know who’s who in this now killing game and you have to prevent it from happening without anyone dying basically so you have to try listening without her (Asian chick) fucking up your focus, well she fucked up my focus on trying to listen and she ends up doing the scary screaming in my face throwing up bit until the video stops and everyone’s back to normal and then she’s gone. So now everyone’s coming to and freaking out trying to piece together parts of the movie they heard and what the details were. (This is before hand that night they were supposed to all go to this exhibit night show thing together) so they realize the Asian chick and her bf are both gone they were at the house and now them and half the house are gone they end up at the exhibit thinking they were there the whole time looking for us but some of them are injured and not knowing wtf is going on. So the Asian chick calls me specifically prolly cause I lost focus during the video hypnosis and tells me she’s the killer she can’t control it basically and her bf is the moshi moshi whatever that means and that he doesn’t realize it yet but she can’t kill him until (if she does kill him then then it’s game over once he’s specifically dead basically everyone else dies or sum idk point is we gotta save him to save everyone else) until he’s in the spot where they snorted the drug which was at the house so everyone’s like fuck they’re gonna make it back the exhibit is like two hours away we have two hours to set up shot and be ready (also they have to use what they have cause they can’t leave or they’ll die) and another add on is that they can’t text using emojis? Cant show any emotion to the outside world that they’re in trouble basically. But yeah that’s about it for the scary side of the dream.