Date: 10/2/2019
By smparsons111
In an online forum, I managed to figure out how to impersonate admin users. Because of this, I decided to make an announcement post as one of the admin users but afterwards realized that I made a mistake. I knew this particular admin would be upset with me. So I thought I would try to figure out a way to clone his user and update the clone to look like a different user, and make it so the post would appear that it would be coming from this cloned user (I should have just deleted the post :P). Unfortunately I knew that the clone feature was buggy, that if I used it I would have the potential to break things. I then thought that maybe I could clone his user at the database level, but I knew the sql query would be a pain in the ass to write because the user table had many complex relationships with other entities in the database. Then a girl that was working near my computer desk waved at me to get my attention since I had my earbuds on. When I took them off, I saw that we were in a Walmart parking lot. She said that my Mom was calling me from within the Walmart. She probably needed help with something, so I walked towards the Walmart to try to find her so I could see what I needed to do.