Date: 2/21/2018
By Dreamberrie
I was visiting a house that I had been to before. I was walking around it avoiding someone. I could see out the massive windows and glass sliding doors to the pool where lots of people were lying on sunbeds. I walked down there and saw the back fence had large water reeds growing along it and a small swamp was behind the fence. I sat down and spoke with someone on a sunbed and heard the authorities arrive at the front door. Everyone bolted. I didn't have any sense of guilt so I walked back inside where about 4 othere girls had also stayed behind. We spoke to the authroities breifly before allowing them inside to have a look around. At one point I decided I wanted to hide so slipped out a laundry door and clung to the wall below the windows so they wouldn't see me. I got to the corner of the steps leading up to the front door and saw all the girls up there. I walked up to one of them and waited for the authorities to come up, hiding behind a curtain. She ripped the curtain from my hands and told them I was hiding so I started punching her arms. I don't know whether I was extremely lethargic or I didn't want to hurt her but my punches hardly landed. The authroities just walked straight past all this going on. Once they had left the people from the sunbeds returned except this time to a room full of lined up single beds. They decide to play dares but they were all about kissing. Axel sits on top of me and I decide not to play. Some how we all end up a bit down the road from the house, taking a group photo. The guy has the cap on his camera still but I assume it's some fancy camera that it doesn't matter and forget about it. I begin to walk down the side of a motorway. I realise I'm going the wrong way and double back. I end up in this weird village but I see my parents and people we know. The camera man asks to take my photo and the girl I was punching's photo. He says just walk dowm this path a bit. We do and I quickly recognise the water reeds and the swamp and kniw we are where the other group photo was taken, except this time we got there a different way. I'm standing on a hill so am so much taller than the other girl. I become aware I am wearing a red dress with a big hat. He takes two photos before I mention to him the cap is still on his camera. He takes it off but I get distracted and don't see him take the last one. I ask if he did and he and the girl say yeah. The girl in the photo complains to me she will never get a girlfriend. My parents come up behind me and the lady running a troubled youth program says there's a girl she looks after that might be insterested, but the girl claims to have had a "baby with a dog". She puts her fingers in the air for this, giving me the inpression she might be crazy. I know my parents are thinking it is my sister so dad asks if she is 23. The lady says no she is 19 which we are all happy with. We drive back to the village and the motorway has been taken over by masses of people walking along it in either direcrion. Dad very quickly navigates his way across it, filling in empty gaps, and I yell at him to slow down. Eventually we get back to the village and I am in a room looking through a fridge with another girl. I see there is lots of milk cartons which I know belongs to the people from the house. There's also soy milk but everything else has been taken. I think by my sister.