Date: 5/14/2018
By chronicsleepwalker
In this dream, I belonged to a stimulated, man-made world by a singular individual. Every member of this civilization was a “human”, but we wore these creepy body suits/masks that were supposed to represent our personalities. I liked this particular one with a animated skull with neon detailing that deepened my voice. People from my school were also in this dream. We were only allowed to be awake from 8 PM- 2 AM. We could go out of the habitat, which was lush and filled with animals and plants, but we had to keep on our attire. When I said I wasn’t going to keep my mask on (i was also going to say i was just going to switch to a different mask but the leader wouldn’t let me finish) the leader refused to let anyone else out of the ecosystem. Surprisingly, people weren’t that mad. Soon, I started hitting off with another creature and who I argued with and quarreled with before (we fought over a couch we wanted to sleep on), then my dream ended as my alarm went off.