Saving Snowy

Date: 10/29/2022

By alexwolfycat

I was at my sisters house and he’s backyard had a very long waterfall with the beach at the bottom of the waterfall. it was beautiful and safe to go down to during the day but it was about 1am and snowy was with me in the backyard and she went down the waterfall because she was curious and now she was stuck down there at the beach. She was meowing at me for help and it was pitch black so i took my phone flashlight but that did pretty much nothing. i couldn’t gage how high up the water fall was so i was trying to climb down it by holding on to the rocks but it was extremely dangerous and there was no easy path to get down there plus i’d have to carry snowy back up and that was the especially hard part. the water is flowing pretty strong and it’s cold water so i’m scared snowy is about to die from hypothermia. i’m freaking out because there’s no clear way to save her and i can’t get trapped down there with her or we’ll both die since the tide is rising and there’s less and less sand to stand on between the waterfall and the beach. i’m screaming and crying hoping my sister will hear and she finally wakes up and sees me trying to scale this waterfall and we talked about calling 911 to help snowy but then i woke up to holding snowy and i have never been so relieved.