Night terror in dream

Date: 10/9/2017

By Ennovystar

I dreamt that I fell asleep but as soon as I did I had the feeling of absolute terror. I wanted to wake up but could not. A dark shapeless thing was on the wall above the closet on the left hand side. It just stayed there and did not move. In my dream I remembered a doll for some reason but thinking of the doll terrified me even more. My daughter was sleeping next to me (she’s 10) and I started to try and wake myself up. I was fighting sleep but I couldn’t make my eyes open. I started to get really fucking scared and I feel like I stated to thrash about, maybe even screaming. I know I woke her up in my dream because I could fell her hands on my trying to shake me awake. I was thinking I was scaring her but I couldn’t hear her but I knew she was crying and probably terrified as well. I woke up in my dream and maybe I fully came out of sleep and actually woke up irl but fell back to sleep immediately. Irl I had my bedroom window open and I looked at the light coming through splayed out on the wall. I see a shadow the shape of a bald head move into the light, blocking out the light on the wall like a shadow puppet. I got so scared there was someone trying to look in my window! Then I immediately got mad and started yelling curses in my deepest voice possible. I got up while continuing to yell and looked out the window and I could see a man running across my front yard towards a big ass white delivery truck. I’m thinking they use it to fill up stolen property from breaking into people’s homes. I got up to go wake up my husband who fell asleep on the couch. Then I actually wake up irl and now I’m afraid to go back to sleep.