Date: 9/16/2022
By lauriemae
So I start out hanging out with 2 cops not sure how that came about, but I won't argue ha ha) is had a crush on one of them. Somehow we parted was, yt I don't remember how. I had snuck our of my house, wp o could be out lo ger than high school . I get deoopes in a not si nice part of town. I got out my map to get home, 2aa going to just walk home, it was pretty far though. I started to get nervous in the bad part of town, so I noticed a laundry mat that was open, so I went by there's. For some reason these people also freaked me out. So I left and kept walking. I run I to a large groupe of people and 2 people come running out, holding these stomachs and it looked like they had been shot. So I go black toward the laundry mat. They made me very nervous so I head back toward the laundry mat. I just stand like I belong. For some reason I got really scared amd rook off running. Then I notice a couple of people running behind me. I get out my phone and try calling for a taxi. But they don't answer. So I call 911 amd tell them I'm running from being killed and to come right away. I make it to a 24 hour business of some kind and ask about a taxi. The guy calls me one and I wait. There was another girl there for a taxi. She happened ro live fairly close to me, so we decided to share the cab. She vegs dropped off and we head ro my place. That's about all I remember except...... I'm not sure when and where this went in the dream, I know after the people I saw that were shot. I ended up befriending a girl from the laundry mat. I hung out with her for a bit and she gave me her. Number ro keep in touch