Brontosaurus in the water

Date: 10/11/2020

By IndridCold

I’m in an underground tunnel, there are people inside that are carrying long cardboard boxes with unknown contents. I somehow know that they are smuggling something illegal in these boxes, it is possibly body parts. One of the boxes has a stain from something inside that is leaking, I suspect that it is blood. I can stand among these people and I’m not recognized as an impostor until I actually touch one of the boxes, then the people nearby immediately turn and look at me, they are suddenly aware of my presence and know that I don’t belong there. A man walks up to me and from one of the boxes he removes a samurai sword and plans to kill me. I’m not sure how I got out of it but I did somehow. There is a scene with a girl on a scooter, she is part of this large secret organization. She is expected to say something to me and then ride away on her scooter, and I am expected to react in a certain way. Except that I subvert their expectations and I actually pursue this girl on my own scooter. This upsets the people involved in this organization, and I’m basically in a chase with this scooter girl, she is bobbing and weaving around a neighborhood trying to get away from me. At one point she rides through a tiny break in a chain link fence to get away. I finally catch up to her at a house which is raised up on blocks. At that point we talk to one another and discover that we have a common history, it may have been that we were both born in Germany. There is another scene where I am in a large body of water and my dad is with me as well as a third person, possibly this girl I followed on the scooter. We are looking at a brontosaurus in the water and wondering how much it weighs. It swims away and there is a second large creature in the water, something equally big but without the long neck and tail, we are asking one another which of the creatures is heavier. We decide to swim out into the water to investigate because we actually see the brontosaurus out in the water. Dad swims deep out into the water, while I stay near the surface with this other unknown person. The water is not crystal clear but it is partially clear, and I can see that there is another very large creature circling directly beneath us about 30 feet down, I cannot tell if it is a shark or a dolphin but it is that kind of shape. It starts to get much closer and so I somehow creep up to the edge of the water, which is now an indoor swimming pool. There is a wall and I pull myself up on the wall and stand at the edge of the water to get as far away as I can from this creature beneath us.