Hospital Patients Left to Die & Fighting alongside the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Date: 6/14/2018

By fluffytree

I was walking around in some hospital with my brother and ended up unwittingly making a dental appointment with Kevin Hart who is a dentist now for some reason. He seemed to maybe know what he's doing but I don't trust him, yet I still sign his clipboard for an appointment within the hour. I never went though and we eventually left. We wandered throughout the place which seemed to let out into some sort of mall and in one section there were a series of rooms where various deadly diseases and parasites were on display, some actual patients were there dying from them too. It was gruesome to see them suffering. Some from things like ebola, flesh eating parasites, and other horrible illnesses. We ended up passing another set of rooms afterwards where there were more sickly patients, but they didn't look nearly as bad. Also whereas no doctors or nurses were at patients' sides in the previous rooms, there were lots around here running tests and monitoring them frequently. I guess the poor people before had been given up on and simply made to be comfortable before their terminal demise. In my next dream I'm with a team of superheros trying to stop several bad guys. One of them has a sharp blade for a head and he throws it at me and my partner Daisy aka "Quake" from 'Agents of Shield.' We run but he gains on us so I end up using my weird power which is apparently sound manipulation with my voice and I start singing some random opera song in a really high pitched voice that causes the metal from his head blade to turn into the consistency of paper that then unravels and falls uselessly to the ground. I can't remember what happened next but it was a fun dream.