Volleyball and shopping

Date: 12/23/2021

By votaco

The dream starts with me entering a bjs with a shopping cart with my friend S. We’re walking around and come across this part of the store that’s like a thrift store and we start buying random things. She goes and buys multiple black and white robot dinosaurs while I buy these vintage books on games and cartoons. Then my other friend C walks by and talks shows what he got which is just a set of books. Then cut to us leaving the store and coming to my house to unload our haul and talk about why we bought the stuff. The scene then cuts to me playing volleyball quite well and every time the other team serves they are out of bounds and we keep winning points but then it comes to me having to serve and for some reason I’m really nervous and feel like I know I won’t be able ti hit it. I try serving underhand and miss the ball completely then I try to do a normal serve and miss that complete as well. They give me a third try and I do underhand once more and barely get it over the net and but in this volleyball game there’s a line after the net and you have to get it over that line which I didn’t so I came up short.