I don’t know

Date: 8/14/2019

By BadHabit

It started off the park I met my boyfriend. All of my old friends were there enjoying games and chatting. I left to go find my man and I got to my aunts some how and he ran in with a few friends saying there were people trying to kill them. I didn’t recognize his friends but I did see a person around the same age am him holding a highly powered revolver. Though out the dream there would be times where me and him would get caught by this asshole and end up shot and dying together. I felt ever bit of pain when I was shot. The second time I was shot I woke up in his oldest brothers truck. He told me that I was shot but that this is another try to get it right. I was mortified. Me and his brother went to a gun and knife store and honestly it was fun to talk with him and the other bother for a bit and just calm down form what happen. It was also amazing to know my boyfriend wasn’t dead. Eventually me and my man met up a the gun store where I was with his brothers and he said that we should go back to his house or mines so we’d be safe. I agree, hugged and said goodbye to his older brothers and walked with him. He looked behind us and got instantly panicked, I didn’t know what but started to run and since he was holding onto my hand I ran to hoping that what ever he saw would go away. He yanked behind oil transport trunk and I will never forget looking over and seeing the person with the gun see us and shoot us together, point blank.. I felt myself dying laying onto my dead boyfriend and I was filled with so much emotion. I woke up again after a bit in his family’s house. All his family was there that I knew and we were joking around with my boyfriend that he is healed from the shot and all that. It felt like a good ending to someone that I never wanted to feel in my life. I woke up for real after that and I can’t get the image and pain of me dying on him out of my head..