
Date: 8/31/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

I remembered being a young child, lost in a world of black and blue. Darkness surrounded me as I made my way into the deep abyss, blinded by its thick blackness and the many layers of my own fear. I struggled to feel my way about slowly, only to notice tiny streaks of blue here and there, but they disappeared as quickly as they appeared. But I still followed the blue lights. I took a step forward, and suddenly I fell down, and instantly I was freezing. I tried to find a sense of solid flat surface to regain my balance, but I failed to be prevail. I realized I was in water, and I had no where to go. Terrified, I struggled to keep my head above the water, but I was so small and fragile that I kept failing constantly. I felt the water numb my body, to where all I could feel was the cold. My head fell underneath the heavy yet calming waves to where I only had the water surrounding me. Thick, freezing, heavy, and dark, the water slowly consumed me, taking me deeper and deeper into its depths. I couldn't fight against nor could I breathe, the chance of air and freedom gradually getting out of my reach. Then, there was that blue streak again, slightly wavering through the water, the pale light flickering into my eyes. Tiredly, I reached for it, even though I knew it was way out of my reach. I watched the light shatter, every other piece falling into the dark water as my eyes got heavier, drifting me into a suffocating sleep of darkness. I woke up in a bed in a small room. Then, I noticed the room slightly moving about. Uneasiness reached my head and my stomach, and suddenly, I felt horribly sick. I sat up and looked around, the walls and floors made of wood, just like the bed and the small table in a corner and the door. It kept swaying, making the motion sickness build up gradually inside me. The door soon began to open itself, scaring the absolute shit out of me. I jumped and forced myself to bring my legs up and huddled in fear, keeping my back against the wall. I watched a man walked in, a short but muscular Viking. His head was shaved shorter around the sides with the top slicked back and kept long, looking oily and messy, and his beard and mustache were just as messy, thick and almost out of control. He was covered head to toe with thick, dark clothing with a layer of tough leather armor. On his belt he carried an axe, sharp and large, along with a wide and sharp spear in one of his hands. He started at me with his ocean blue eyes. "Are you well?" His Danish accent was thick and barely understandable. I nodded, staring at his weapons. I was truly petrified, thinking he was going to hurt me. He seemed to noticed as he set the spear off to the side, still making eye contact with me. He approached slowly as he raised his hand in the air. "Shush, little one. You will be alright. We have rescued you, saw you drowning in foreign waters." I vaguely remembered the drowning, but before my mind could recollect the memories, there was a loud crash and a lot of yelling. I frantically looked around as the Viking quickly picked up his sword and stuck a hand out to me, urging me to follow him. Unsure, I shook my head, keeping my back to the wall. There was another loud crash, to where a sudden explosion appeared behind me, throwing me off the bed. Dazed, I struggled to stand, only to feel heavy hands around my waist as I was lifted up and dangled out of the room. Through blurry vision, I watched as I was carried off the ship and into land, with the Viking yelling loudly as he slain through enemies with his spear, chopping off limbs and their heads clean off with conjured up fireballs. He looked really badass as he charged through with no fear, with a red-orange-black aura enjoying around his body. He made his way into the mainland, getting deeper into the small abandoned town and his into a house. He placed me down on the flat dirt floor, repeatedly asking if I was alright. Only able to nod, I watched the Viking whipping his head around to hear the faint noise of fighting occurring near the shore. He told me he needed to go back to his people and told me to stay out of sight, and swiftly and cunningly, he made his way out of the house, leaving me alone. Through the shouts and metal clanging and flesh ripping, I was paralyzed. Unable to move, I lied there in the bed, realizing that I must be going through sleep paralysis and that this was all a dream and that I needed to wake up. Focusing, I tried to eliminate every thought and worry in my mind and watched as everything slowly began shattering. But there was another crash, sounding very loud and feeling very near as the house shook a bit. It threw me off to where my waking up process halted. Suddenly, the Viking ran back inside, looking all bloody and dirty as other Vikings ran past the house, shouting out commands. The aura around slowly dissolved, but still lingered as he got closer to me. He stared at me, out of breath, asking if I'm alright. When I nodded, he swiftly picked me up and followed everyone else, making our way deeper into the land, leaving a trail of blood and other angry Vikings behind them. Soon, we were in the woods, settling down and catching or breaths as they began to set up for camp. The Viking set me down on a fallen log and helped the others. Feeling bad, I decided to help too, gathering whatever firewood I could carry into the pile. The fire was started and the Viking and some others were going to go do some hunting, and so I was told to stay put with the other younger Vikings. As they left, I sat on the log, watching everyone else look at me. Time fast forward into last night when they were already back and did the cooking of fish and rabbits, eating and laughing and having a good time, enjoying their victory. The Viking never really said a word and just listened and smiled just as I was. Noticing I wasn't eating, the Viking lent me some of his food, and not wanting to be rude, I took some and nibbled on a fish on a stick. I then noticed he was watching me eat, and when I looked over, I noticed how he wasn't that much taller out bigger than me like I expected, only to realized I've gone back to my normal height of being 4'11". He caught me watching him and he whipped his head away, looking at the other direction. Confused, I kept eating. There was a point they were drinking and being silly as they were suddenly drunk, with some of them being such lightweights. They enjoyed themselves as the Viking stuff and looked down at me, urging me to following him after I finished eating. Quickly tossing my stick of fish bones, I followed him deep into the dark woods, with only the moonlight hiding us where to go. We were close enough to what we could see everyone and the camp, but far away to where they couldn't hear us talk. It took a while for the Viking to start talking, saying he had seen me before. I asked him what he meant, confused. He elaborated, saying he stopped by my islands before, that they needed food and water and supplies for the trip for the North. They made port and traded with my kind and my family, and he was grateful that they were able to help them out. (This was a reference to another dream I had many months ago. Sometimes I get a continuation of another dream before some time ago and would eventually remember sometime later.) Remembering, I nodded and he looked at me weirdly, in a way that he looked scared, almost vunerable. He continued to explain how when he first arrived, he was actually unconscious when he arrived, and that my family volunteered to aid him. I was in charge of keeping an eye of him, and from time to time, he woke up to see me, smiling as I cleaned him up and fed him and gave him water. There were times he heard me singing as I did my chores or reading stories to my brothers before bed. He could tell I had kindness and purity in my heart. Then, he explained that was when he fell in love with me. Shocked, I stared at he stared at me, getting flustered. He held my hands, tightly gripping onto them as he stared deeply into my eyes, confessing his love for me once more. Bewildered, I stared at him, flustered and confused on what to do. Before I could think of anything, the dream suddenly shattered, ending itself against my own will.