Date: 10/4/2017
By SwaggyBoy9
I had superman's powers. I was out on the streets, seemed like the hood in a way. I was with another person and this guy came up to us with a staple gun and shot my friend and me. I thought I'd be able to superspeed and stop him but my coordination was not the best at the time. He shot me in the eye with the gun and I got the stapler out of my eyelids. After that I thought I could easily stop him and I think I ran but me and my friend slipped off this cliff and were hanging on for dear life, it wasn't that scary tho. I realised that I had run out of solar energy reserves, my powers were freshly attained so it would take time to build up my abilties as I had more and more exposure to the yellow suns radiation, in other words I was powerless. I needed to recharge, but the sun was clouded.