Serial killer

Date: 10/4/2017

By mgunther002

So a serial killer was in the town killing entire families. He came to my house (in the dream it was a mansion) and ended up killing my mom while I hid in the crawl space above my bedroom closet. He then left because he couldn't find me but then sent me weird letters and phone calls saying he was watching me and would come back for me. And I kept seeing a weird car outside the house. Finally I made a break for it out of the house to next door which was the fiaccos house. I pounded on the door Steven let me in and when I explained the killer was coming back for me he took me in and hid me in his house in a living room with not many windows. But then darts started flying through the room right near me through the wall and we realized the killer had a posse with him to get me. So we ran up the stairs barely making it then I was put in a room with only one tiny window where I could be safer it was apparently Stevens room. Then one of the shooters went into labor so we let her into the house and she gave birth then vowed she would kill the serial killer and get me out. I didn't believe her but she somehow with a newborn baby snuck us out and into a cab that took us away from the killer. And we called 911 and the killer was arrested and I woke up was we were all being released