Date: 9/21/2019
By UniqueStarque
Sacrifice|2018 First thing I remember I'm saving a lesbian from something bad that's coming and I break into a room to save her bride. We run, and soon it's just me until I come to a house where there's a young child outside by a pin with some animals in it. A lady comes out to give me a small scoop of red sherbet. A group of rough guys are hunting Christians and they are chasing me. They find the house so I go inside to hide. I know they're outside getting ready to shoot up the house and kill everyone to get to me. I realize what I must do, so I look at a young lady sitting inside and smile peacefully. I ask her if she knows that God loves her. With shame she replies with "No, not me." I then begin to tell the people in the room, but my eyes are on her, of my relationship with God. I tell them how it's like no love or relationship I've ever experienced, how He's amazing and I trust Him, that's why I'm not afraid to go out there. I tell her that she can have the same relationship with Him as I do. As I look at her, she now has tears in her eyes as if she can't believe what I'm saying. I then quote Luke 6:22 "What blessings await you when people hate you and exclude you and mock you and curse you as evil because you follow the Son of Man. When that happens, be happy! Yes, leap for joy! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, their ancestors treated the ancient prophets that same way." (oddly enough I could hear the men outside quoting it as I do, maybe they thought they were serving God, or maybe the voices I heard were angels) and then I paraphrased Matthew 19:29. "And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life." After that, I have a feeling of complete peace, trust, joy and acceptance of my fate as I open the door and walk outside. I know they're going to kill me. I walk down the porch steps with my arms out wide and my eyes to the sky, trusting God completely, no fear in my heart. As I walk towards them, they all have their guns aimed at me and immediately start shooting. The bullets run through me like rain, and I feel a tingling sensation, but no pain. I keep waking but do not fall. They realize I'm not dying so they take me prisoner. I traveled with them, unsure of where they're going, no concern for my safety. They decide they want to torture me, so I'm on my knees and a man stands beside me with a hammer, he drops a large metal nail/stake in front of me (such as what jesus was nailed to the cross with) I know what he's going to do, yet I pick up the nail and hand it to him. Confused, he takes it from my hand and begins nailing three large nails into the top of my head, one by one and alongside each other. But I feel no pain and I have no fear. They're amazed I'm still alive, so we continue our journey until suddenly they all disappear and I'm surrounded by Christians. They go on to take me to some sort of headquarters/hospital to take the nails out and the dream ends shortly after that.