Kidnapped by Men after Trying to Meet Someone from Online

Date: 3/19/2021

By randybobandy

I felt so stupid. After what happened last time, I told myself I would never meet someone from online again, no matter how long we talked. But for some reason this person seemed so benign and I was really bored. I got in their car and there were a couple other guys and one other girl. The guy I was meeting brought his hand over to me quickly and got his finger in my mouth before I had any idea to move away. There was something on his finger, a liquid. It tasted disgusting. I gagged but it was still on my tongue. All the guys laughed. “What the fuck?” I asked in distress and terror. I got no answer, I was ignored. One of the guys was on the phone, telling whoever he was talking to that they picked up new maids, were on their way back now, and “couldn’t wait to try them out.” I was so scared. I watched out the window as we drove on the highway. I wasn’t sure where we were so I started looking at exit signs for town names. The names were so unfamiliar to me but I tried hard to commit them to memory. Eventually we got off the highway, and the other girl and I were walking slowly down a street, towards their house. It was somewhat of a long walk and we kind of got in front of them a bit. I took out my phone and called 911. At first I got an automated message that they already knew our situation and were tracking our location. I called again and someone finally answered. I started with “Hi how are you,” and it made the operator laugh. I then wondered if they wouldn’t take me seriously. I told them I was being held captive against my will and that I was in danger and I thought they were going to hurt me. I said they put something in my mouth that I didn’t know the identity of, and I was worried I was drugged, and I was also worried that my captors were on drugs. They asked for my location. I already forgot. I looked at the girl I was walking with and she shrugged. I said “Off of Route 91 in Hamden? Wait no.... not Hamden.... Route 95 somewhere along the shoreline. I’m not sure,” I confessed. We walked past a large dirt parking lot that was filled with junk cars. I grabbed the girl and was about to lunge to pull us into the lot to hide or run, but at the last second I noticed there was a group of men in the lot and they seemed shady. I had a feeling that they either would want to hurt us too, or that they would side with our captors if we tried to escape in front of them. So we kept walking. I looked back to see if our captors noticed my almost-break. It seemed like they hadn’t, they were all laughing. We got to the house before our captors and we sat on a leather chair. I looked at my phone and saw that the 911 call had disconnected and a post-call survey had popped up. It asked “Which kind of maid situation are you in?” and the options were “Real maid,” “sexual roleplay,” “non consensual,” and “Darker intentions.” Each option had a ridiculous cartoon drawing next to it. I clicked darker intentions which showed an evil man smirking. I then realized that option was probably for murder or worse. I changed my answer to non consensual. Then a man who we hadn’t met before crept in through the window. “Ah I can’t wait to have some fun.” Our captors then came in through the front door.