Someone I Know(I Think?)

Date: 8/25/2019

By Amberlizy12

I don't know why but I kept dreaming about someome who I don't know. It seems like I know him from my dream but I don't know him personally. It seems like I met him from my dream tho I can't seems remember his face. I dream him like last week but didn't even bother because I don't know him and can't even remember the drema. But now I dream about him again so which made me think I should write it here. It started we were talking like we are close friends and all. He is the one who made me go to a running competition in my dream. Which is not my thing but because of him made me believe I can do it. In my personal life I can't do sports because I have a weak lungs and I get tired easily and sports is not my thing. So that's why it's weird in my dream where I don't do in real life, I can do it in my dream. I never felt so alive running on my dream would make me feel free. It was a long dream I can't remember, all I know is that we are helping each other to reach the goal like a team. We run like it never ends, it even have a rule that you cannot touch or run to the ground. You have to run on the buildings, roof or jump through the trees so you can't touch the ground. We run through to the trees and we got separated there and we try to find a way to be together again. But that's when I fall down the tree and luckily I've fallen on a moving wooden truck(I don't even know why is that even exist), I was trying to move on some place because the race allows it I don't know why. The way outside the truck was covered so I ripped the piece of wood and I saw who are not good people. They try to get me when they saw me. Good thing that there's a tree and I get that chance to grab it and pull myself up(wow I can't believe it I can lift my body O.o). When I got to the tree, I see him again I felt so happy and we continue on the race. But the thugs I saw earlier was now trying to search us. We teamed up to get away with it but we are now nowhere to go we are stuck in the building and we saw a a deep hole were we jump together. But in the end we lost because some people who are not in the contest framed us.