Crazy Dwight from “The Office”, also randomly at an amusement park

Date: 8/24/2019

By evp722

(This dream has characters from the TV show “The Office”). So it started out with me at an amusement park. There was a small rollercoaster, and the line for it was completely empty. There were a long string of chains dividing the lines, and part of the lines were covered by a roof. I didn’t get in the line to go on the ride, but I stood next to it. I noticed a pretty fat security guard, and suddenly Dwight from The Office appeared. If you don’t watch the office, Dwight is described as a “facist nerd”. He believes he can and will rule the world one day, despite his lack of common sense (don’t get me wrong he’s my favorite character in the show). He also carries around weapons in the office, which is shown in my dream. Well Dwight glances at me and then the security guard, and then back at me. I guess he’s trying to tell me that he thinks the security guard is a threat and must be attacked (even though he did nothing wrong lol). Dwight tells me to stand back and proceeds to throw a ninja star blade at the guard, and then charged at him and attempted to pin him to the ground. The guard put up a good fight, which caused Dwight to take extraordinary measures. Somehow, Dwight and the guard are suddenly separated from eachother, a good 15 feet of space is between them. Dwight whistles or does some sort of attention call, and a bull appears. A BULL. I was suddenly floating and Jim (another character from The Office who is Dwight’s frienemy) somehow appeared to take my place. Dwight warned Jim to stay far back as he orders the bull to charge toward the poor, already beat up, innocent security guard. I don’t quite remember this part since it’s a bit fuzzy, but I think the bull knocked the guard unconscious. Jim was completely bewildered and frightened while witnessing this, and just continued to stand against the wall the whole time. Dwight then whistled for the bull and attached it to a leash, and walked out of the scene. My dream decided to conclude there.