Business Calculus Nightmare

Date: 7/23/2019

By ZakariaChowdhury

So for some reason I was told I had to take business calculus AGAIN and what’s worse with RAJ SEEKRI. So it was the first day of class and that dude seekri didn’t show up and for some reason one of my coworkers was subbing in for him. My friend Talha was also in the class even though he doesn’t even need to take it. But after the first day I was like “yo let’s go to tutoring Talha! 😀” cuz my ass didn’t know wtf was going on and I made a vow to go to tutoring every single day after class. Anyway some time went on with the class and Seekri never showed up even after so many weeks had passed so I just assumed the dude died or sumtn but yeah I was doing pretty good in the class 😀😀. That’s bout it but that ptsd was hitting in the dream 🥵🥵