horror movie boarding school

Date: 3/30/2021

By JernsDreams

(long read) note: a lot of dreams appear to be movies and I’m the main character in the dream I was sent to a boarding school. I arrived at my first class of the day and picked my seat. I’m not sure exactly what I did wrong but as a result the teacher pulled out a gun. They started walking around the room pointing it at different people deciding who’s going to get killed because of my alleged fault. They chose to kill the youngest person in the room. Just a child. They were about 8 years old. after this class it was bow and arrow practice. For whatever reason they had us practice in the school hallways. There are arrows bouncing all over the place. The teacher who had killed a child got killed by an arrow in the hallway. I was wearing a lot of rings which apparently wasn’t allowed but the teachers allowed it anyway because for some reason they favored me. But it did cause a lot of fighting from the students because they were jealous. Someone took the rings from me, a teacher. And I demanded that she gives them back and instead she handed me coins. It was like a trick. But then I realize the trick that she was doing (slight of hand) and I called her out on it and told her to give me my rings back. When she went to hand me my rings a girl ran by and grabbed them. I snatch them out of her hand and some went flying. kids went running after them. I started to try to rip my rings out of this one girls hand. And a teacher came up with a gun and was like get off of her right now or I’ll shoot. I really wanted my ring so I didn’t hop off the girl until I got them. She shot the girl dead anyway and then shot me in the leg. I ran into a nearby dorm room for a few minutes until someone came and got me. They said that they were taking me home because I have been shot. a boy also wanted to leave the school so he faked abdominal cramps or spasms. When we were driving back I was trying to quietly tell him how to fake his abdominal cramps and then the teacher that was driving us home told us that the teacher that had shot me had been fired because apparently “the US is not OK with teachers shooting students“ they took me back to the school because the teacher who I was shooting people was gone so I was allowed (forced) to return. my boyfriend showed up to rescue me. when we tried to leave there was a large man blocking our way. we had an intense fight scene. I knocked him over and my boyfriend pounced on him. once we took him out we turned and faced a camera in the room and posed. it automatically snapped a picture like “congrats you defeated the final boss!” and the dream ended